The Cornerstone Chronicles

  1. Linda Seavey says:

    Hi, Joy!
    What a wonderful and interesting article – I loved it!
    Looking forward to following you and your great adventures there – we’re making some of our own, as we will end up landing in Fruita! It’s no grand estate as yours, but we found an almost finished newly being built house that we can pay entirely for and not have to worry about mortgage payments only 12 miles from Aaron, Sarah and three of our grandchildren! Continue being inspiring to us all! Say “hi” to Asher!

  2. Jamie Mills says:

    I don’t know if you know this or not, but you have a gift, and you are using it! Keep writing, because you do it well! You are one of the most inspiring, uplifting, and positive people I have ever met. Such a JOY 😊❤️

  3. Jody Podulke says:

    Hello. I’m a direct descendant of the original owners of this house and grew up with my grandmother Nina Litsey Brandt telling me stories as a child of Mary making Nancy’s wedding dress. I think my ancestors would be so proud of what you’ve done with their home. Wishing you every blessing💕.

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